It happened overnight

It happened overnight!

     In 2012, I'd not yet been put out to pasture but had reached an age where I could have been.

And, not having done anything creative in over half a century (since school days), I bought some oil paints whilst on holiday in France and discovered something that had lain dormant inside of me for all my working life.

Overnight, I found I could paint to a standard that surprised me.

Where had it come from? I'd painted at school with horrible tempera blocks but there I was in 2012 suddenly painting in a way I never thought possible – and this newfound ability had shown up literally overnight. I couldn't have been more shocked if I'd woke up speaking Japanese! How was this possible?

Detail from one of three portraits completed in as many months after getting my paints in 2012.
Detail from one of three portraits completed in as many months after getting my paints in 2012.

Over the following years I thought constantly about art. And in so doing my dedicated efforts led me to uncover fundamental insights, and facts that, I think, remain unnoticed by the majority; facts never even sought or considered. And what fuelled the urgency to write a book was the realisation that, to my knowledge, none of these discoveries had previously been put into book form. Had someone else done so, I wouldn't have felt the need to put pen to paper!